Monday, May 4, 2009

Living With Purpose

Lately I've been remembering a dream I had when I was younger. That dream was to become a doctor, which then turned into becoming a Naturopathic Physician (long story). Then marriage came, and then of course children. Now it's 7 years later and I can't even remember what life was like before this.

Occasionally, I'll see people out and about and I'll wonder what kind of choices brought them to where they are today, and are they where they want to be? I mean, we seem to have this picture in our mind's eye of what our life will be like when we "settle down". But how many of us are really living the life of our teenage vision? Is it a change of priorities? Or maybe, more often than not, we get so caught up in the everyday stuff we lose sight of the experiences that are really important.

While going through some of these thought processes I came across a biography of Dr. John R. Christopher (a.k.a. Dr. Christopher, founder of the School of Natural Healing). John was born and raised in Utah and has an incredible life story of pioneering herbal medicine. As I was reading his biography I was so touched by the life of this man. He had so many health challenges as a child, and also watching his mother die painfully from complications of diabetes and Bright's Disease, that it inspired within him a deep passion to heal others. His life was one of incredible sacrifice and love.

When I had finished reading I had so many emotions welling up inside me I just began sobbing. At that moment Dave walked by and, noticing my uncontrollable tears, asked me what was wrong. I didn't have an answer, I had no idea! I just spent the last hour reading such an uplifting story what in the world would cause such a reaction?!

By the time I settled down I had realized, very painfully, what was going on. This man was living his purpose and I could feel it with every word I read. And it was painful to me because I felt like I wasn't living mine. I've felt like for so long I've just been going through the motions and I haven't been living with purpose. So often I feel an imbalance between my daily life, with all it's routines and habits, and an elusive dream of some extraordinary way of living. Almost daily I feel a constant nagging of a "higher purpose", as if it's trying to tell me that my way of life doesn't match my reason for living.

There are so many things that inspire me that I know I can't possibly do them all and still give 100% to my family. Maybe that's why I kinda feel like a deer in the headlights with no action toward anything. I'm fearful I will start down that road and before I know it I'm neck deep in some crazy project and I've lost sight of what was really important to begin with.

My question is..."How can we live with purpose and not lose sight of our priorities?"

Maybe it's discovering our real purpose to begin with? Maybe our purpose should be centered in our priorities?

Maybe that's why some purposes are stronger at certain times in my life than others. Just like the seasons that come and go, we each have our own seasons in life. These seasons bring with them their own priorities and purposes. It's important to remember not to look on another person's season and wish it for your own at the moment. But to intently discover it's purpose and to trust that, as we do our best, we will accomplish all that we can and be.

I would love to hear any thoughts or insights on the matter so feel free to share!


  1. What a great post, Shari! I am often curious to know about other people's lives. What makes them happy? Are they happy? How did they get to where they are now? What are their struggles? Their goals? Their regrets? I've always been curious about people.

    I think I can say for myself that I am truly happy and content with my life. I never did have a great childhood dream. I think I just wanted to grow up and be happy. I live a simple life and love it. I don't live in a big fancy house, wear expensive clothes, or drive a new car. I garden, I cook, I take care of my family, I recycle, I hang my clothes out to dry, I volunteer when I can, and I eat breakfast on the patio. I just live a simple, enjoyable life. I have tried not to get caught up in the busy lives that some of my friends live. I strive to live a life similar to what I imagine my grandparents living. I don't know what the future holds for me, and I guess I'm not completely sure what my purpose in life is. But your question definitely got me thinking.

  2. That was great Shari! Almost too much for my sleep deprived brain to take right now, but really great! ;) I've often felt the same feeling of there is something much more to my purpose than what I'm doing. But I know with time and with each "season", each purpose will be made known and accomplished through the help of the Lord. Sometimes I feel like the "deer in headlights" too with the every day routine of caring for children. I feel like I've been lost in the shuffle and I have no identity but just a cook, maid, and servant. However, like you said, each purpose is in each season. And right now, our great purpose and calling is motherhood, as daunting and monotonous as it is from day to day, it is a spectacular calling and it will be over all too soon, and then we'll have more time for other "callings" and other purposes after the little ones are grown. So don't lose hope or desire for what is to come, it will come, but enjoy the moment now cause they will be grown and gone before we know it. Again, great post! Thanks a bunch.

  3. I just love your stories! It reminds me of my life! haha Hey how come you haven't accepted my invite yet? Do I have your right email?? Anyways, keep in touch! Take care, and I too have my good and bad "pecking" days! haha

  4. Shari, remember the days when we could stay up to the wee hours talking about our future and then get up early to go skiing? Wasn't that an amazing time to live and be free and fish whenever we felt like it and jump off cliffs and man bash! Wow, we had it made! But look at us now? We're both caring for 3 kiddos, taking joy in the dances of 2 year olds, teaching a 6 year old about responsiblity and friendships, feeding a plump baby round the clock, making 3 meals a day, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, and dropping in bed exhausted thinking that we will do better the next day and hoping our children can survive a mother who is still learning to do be a mom. You're right on... tis the season! This is our season to serve. It takes the wind right out of our dreams of our own accomplishments, careers, etc., but it's where we will learn more about love and truly ourselves than any other time. I never learned how to bite my tongue, pause before I got upset, go with the flow more, laugh at the simple things, love unconditionally while I was living my life for me! We will have a turn again to broaden ourselves and explore our own dreams, but right now, it's our turn to serve. And I'm with ya... changing diapers in the dirt, with no water, kids crying all night in a sleeping bag and mosquito patrol with little ones is not my idea of a great weekend! Sure miss your laugh, call or write sometime-- would love to catch up, Love, Mindy Lou
