Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Gold Fever!!

You can't expect to be in gold country and NOT experience mining!  We just had to have Grandpa show us the ropes.  We did some metal detecting and panning.  The kids thought it was pretty exciting!

Grandpa took us across the river where there was an old mining camp back in the late 1800's. It was a really fun place to go metal detecting, if you watch out for the poison oak and bear poop!

This was an old foundation of a cabin.  You can't tell from the picture but part of the front door is laying on the ground in front of the entry.

Aaron found the only treasure of the day, a really old bottle with the cork still inside.

Grandpa detecting an old foundation.  He thinks it was a bunk house since the size is larger than the others surrounding it.  There are still remnants of the wood stove and other kitchen items.

Panning at Indian Creek...

Breaking up the rock to get under the bedrock.

Brushing the dirt into the cup to pan out.

Panning out the dirt, only to find a few flakes.

Our Vacation!

Brain Damage!  That's what was wrong with me when I had the idea to drive to California for our vacation.  At least that's what I concluded last night on our last 2 hours to King City when Ethan had had enough!  Not even the Mama Mia songs could calm him down.  Needless to say we arrived without any real bodily damage, although Aaron still has a headache from being beat with the Atlas.  Now I understand why my mother carried wooden spoons and Tupperware lids on trips.  Like the time we drove from California to New York in our 1985 station wagon. She must have gone through several spoons on that trip!  Ahhh, the joys of parenthood! 

Anyway, our trip out here was great, considering having three kids strapped into carseats. We finally managed to leave town (not the house since we had to go back three times for things I forgot) about 2 pm on Thursday, 3rd.  We ended up staying in Burns, Oregon the first night, which the kids LOVED because they each got their own twin bed.  The next morning I realized Dave and I should have taken their beds since they were so much better than ours!  

We finally made it to my Mom and Dad's Friday late afternoon and the kids were SOOO HAPPY to be out of the car they just ran straight for the trampoline.

Look at those happy faces!!